Friday, June 1, 2012


For a team like the Cleveland Indians, they're having trouble finding their identity on and off the field.  Up until three days ago, they were the leaders in the AL Central division.  Yet, they rank dead last in the MLB in fan attendance.  We've seen the star closer, Chris Perez, and uninspired TV play-by-play caller, Matt Underwood, call out fans for lack of support.

You can have the best product in the world (in this case, the division) but nobody knows if you market the product improperly.

I hate the Indians "What If?" campaign so much that I'm not even going to ask an ironic rhetorical question using the phrase that displays how ineffective the tagline is.  It's an indefinite phrase that can easily be turned to have a negative connotation.  The campaign didn't premiere until after the Indians started the 2011 season 30-15, well on their way downhill.  First of all, the 2012 version of the commercial mainly focuses on the mid-90's Indians team with Kenny Lofton, Omar Vizquel, Jim Thome, and Sandy Almoar.  I get that the nostalgia can trigger a powerful emotional response, but none of these players play for the team anymore.  Sandy Alomar is a base coach for the Tribe, but will likely be leaving in the next few seasons when a lower echelon team decides to make him a manager.  I'm gonna call it, he's going to the Seattle Mariners.  My point is this: Why are you showcasing four players who haven't been an integral part of the team since 1998, two of them currently on other rosters?

Here's my suggestion: 86 the "What If?" campaign.  "What if the Indians made the playoffs last season?"  See what I did there?  Replace it with "THAT. JUST. HAPPENED."  Chris Perez retires the side on 9 pitches. THAT. JUST. HAPPENED.  Travis Hafner hits a walk-off Grand Slam.  THAT. JUST. HAPPENED.  Michael Brantley robs a home run in center field.  THAT. JUST. HAPPENED.  Masterson shuts down Verlander and the Tigers.  THAT. JUST HAPPENED.  Focus on the players that are currently on the Indians roster.  They make unbelievable plays week in and week out which means the ads can be easily updated with new highlights that keep the campaign fresh.  "THAT. JUST. HAPPENED." is a definitive statement.  It focuses on the present and who is on the team today.  "THAT. JUST. HAPPENED." gives the fans something to yell in the stands or at their TVs the next time Santana throws out a would-be base-stealer.  It gives the team and the fans an edge.  Everyone in Cleveland knows they could use it right now.

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